
Audition Packet

Please read all of the audition packet! There’s a few changes for this year!!!

Sign up for an audition!

Click here for Sign Up Genius

Audition Workshop: Oct 18th, 5 - 7 pm @ Mary Martin!!!!


All cast members who would like to audition for a lead need to pick either track 1 or track 27 for auditions. We may have them sing any of the tracks for callbacks, so it wouldn’t hurt to learn the other songs. Guide vocals are provided for rehearsal only but students will sing with accompaniment track at auditions.

Track 1 “Pure Imagination” (full song)

Track 27 “I’ve Got a Golden Ticket” (first 35 seconds)

Audition sides: 

You may choose side 1, 2, 3, or 4. You do not need to have these memorized, however you should be very familiar with all the parts (male and female) in the side you choose. You may be asked to read for different characters. I highly recommend printing this out and practicing with friends.

Each of these characters is drastically different from the other so we should see the personality coming through. Make sure you are using your whole body, facial expressions, projecting your voice and enunciating. 

PDF download for audition sides

Audition Dance Routine/Steps

Facebook Link: The Candy Man

Facebook Link: Step Break Down