
After the meeting last week it became clear that we needed to reorganize the Alumni application/meeting process. The new policy is here.

****Our makeup Rookie meeting will be Saturday, March 24 at 1:00 pm at Martin (That is Chorus Camp Day). Rookies - Please make every effort to attend! If you have questions please contact me or Jamie Strittmatter

We are excited about this group of Alumni!

It's Chorus Camp Time!

If you would like to sign your child up for Chorus Camp, click on the title of this post to access the form to download. Just print, complete and return to to the Musicals mailbox along with $75 by February 2nd!


Just a gentle reminder that your child’s remaining participation fees are due by February 1.

Just a gentle reminder that your child’s remaining participation fees are due by February 1. Total fees were $200, so after the deposit. Most cast members owe $150 (unless they paid more up front).

Family discount. $50 off second child in same household. $100 off for 3rd, 4th, etc.

Checks can be made out to martin musicals and put in the Martin musicals mailbox outside of Mrs. Baker’s classroom. Please put your child’s name on the memo line of the check.

An additional $50 will be added to your child’s fees if the dues are not paid by February 1st. Please don’t make us track you all down.

If you need financial assistance or accommodations, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We want every child to be able to participate.

Thanks again for your continued support!!!!!


We will be having a meeting for any alumni who wish to help with Wizard of Oz at Mary Martin on Thursday, January 25th @ 5:00pm. Click here to go to our forms page to fill out the application and bring it to the meeting. Please note that it needs to be signed by a parent prior to the meeting. If parents would like to attend the meeting that would be great so  you can see what opportunities and expectations your student will have.

Martin Musical Parent Volunteers

If you plan to volunteer with Martin Musicals this year in any capacity please fill out the attached Volunteer Policy form. I received several at the parent meeting but many parents have not turned it in yet. You can email me the completed form or turn it into the Martin Musicals mailbox.

Also, all volunteers must have cleared a background check on file with district prior to helping with children in any way. This form is also attached but must be turned in to the school office or taken directly to the district services building to be completed. If you have turned in a background check from at any WISD school for any other volunteer capacity it will count for MM.

Thank you! Click the title of this post to access form

So excited to begin rehearsals!!! A few notes about procedure for our newbies...

Please visit with your child about their rehearsal schedule before you drop them off at school. Anyone who has popped into the office during the school day knows it's very busy with regular school business so we ask that parents don't call the office to ask if their child has rehearsal that day. Schedules will always be posted on facebook for you to reference. I recommend checking with a friend who has a child in the same songs and scene as your child if you are unsure about rehearsal schedules. Students who are scheduled to rehearse will come straight to the music room after school.

6th graders:
Please make every effort to get there as quickly as possible after school.

Anyone who has seen our productions knows it's a higher level than you would expect from elementary aged kids. Attendance at rehearsal is so important. Please make every effort to make sure your child attends their rehearsal. If you know ahead of time about a conflict, please let us know so I can plan. If your child is sick and doesn't attend school that day, please let me know so I am not looking for them. Gracie G., our junior stage manager will be taking attendance daily and making calls to parents of missing cast members to make sure we don't have kids falling through the cracks.

What to Wear:
For choreography rehearsals, clothes they can move in (often their school clothes work fine) and if they already have jazz shoes, wear them. Please make sure their names are on their shoes and then they can bring them and change after school. No sandals, clogs or boots in choreography rehearsals.

Students may bring a healthy snack and a water. If you send them with sugary snacks and drinks, I will send them home with a free kitten :)

Behavior Expectations:
I have very high expectations when it comes to behavior. It is a privilege to be a part of this group and I want to teach the cast to be respectful of all the adults volunteering their time as well as other cast members. I usually handle behaviors on my own but if the situation is not resolved I will call the parents and ask the student be picked up. Our cast members are usually highly motivated to give their best and they become great leaders in our school!

Pick Up:
Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up at the end of our rehearsal time in the hallway outside the music room. I try really hard to be respectful of your time and end when our time is up. Sometimes we are finishing a son or scene and it runs over but it is usually pretty close. I do have a list of phone numbers but I ask that all cast members know their parent's number so we can reach you quickly after rehearsal if someone doesn't get picked up.

Thanks so much! It's going to be a GREAT show!!!!!!!